Friday, July 30, 2010

How to install RMS(Ray Media Server) server on 64 bit linux machine?

Here are the steps those I followed :

cd /usr/local
mkdir RMS
cd RMS
tar xzvf RMS-LINUX-v.7.0

Steps for configuring RMS :

1. access.dat – input all domain names which will be allowed to access RMS. Every domain name should be written on a separate line and should not contain "http://" and "www", just;
2. .in (UNIX only) – set the value for JAVA_HOME variable. It should be the path to the folder where JRE is installed. For example:
JAVA_HOME=/opt/ray_server/jre1.x; or /usr/local/jdk_1.6.0 or /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_05

Note : java might not be installed on the server. I have published another article about the jdk installation and you can get help from there.

3. in (UNIX only) – set the value for RAY_SERVER_PATH variable. It should be the path to the RMS folder on your server. For example:

RAY_SERVER_PATH=/opt/ray_server; in my case RAY_SERVER_PATH=/usr/local/src/RMS_7.0

4. change the IP addresses in the files located in


where "path_to_rms" stands for path to your Ray Media Server folder, and "widget_name" stands for board, chat, im, video and global ("global" is only for 3.5 version). For example: open

/opt/ray_server/webapps/chat/WEB-INF/ or /usr/local/src/RMS_7.0/webapps/chat/WEB-INF/ and replace the following line:

webapp.virtualHosts= with webapp.virtualHosts=server ip address
5. RMS Test launch: ./
6. RMS runtime : ./
7. set the following lines in /etc/rc.local
cd /usr/local/src/RMS_7.0
./ &

That's it try :)


  1. Hi thanks for this tutorial, just one question
    the part 1. access.dat – input all domain names which will be allowed to access RMS. Every domain name should be written on a separate line and should not contain "http://" and "www", just;

    how do you access that what needs to be done?
    My hosting company won't do it so I have to do this myself



  2. Dear Lance ,

    Just edit the file access.dat and put the domain name there. You access the server via ssh and can use vi or vim or nano command to open the file like :

    vi access.dat or
    nano access.dat

  3. Thanks for your help, how do you ensure everytime you reboot your server that ray's automatically starts again?

  4. installed this on my Directadmin server, but when i add the RMS ip to my dolphin installation all i get is "cant connect to RMS"

  5. Terry,

    Yes, you don't need to restart the service every time after rebooting the server. You only need to add the following line in the /etc/rc.local file.

    /bin/bash /usr/local/red/ &

    PS: Make sure that you used correct path of

    That's it.

  6. ...."cant connect to RMS"...

    Please check the RMS ports whether they are opened or not. Simply telnet it on the server itself. The ports might have blocked at the firewall.

    Ref :


  7. Hi There,
    is there a possibility to automatically restart rms after a crash of it? Do a regular cron restart? How stable is RMS?

    Thx a lot, best eru
