Monday, August 30, 2010

Cannot find config.m4 + phpize +Resolved


I got the same error messages and sorted out it. Here is the error that I got.

root@server [/home/cpeasyapache/src/php-5.2.9/ext]# phpize
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/local/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module

root@server [/home/cpeasyapache/src/php-5.2.9/ext]#

My intention was to phpize of mssql. I entered inside the mssql directory and the error vanished. Here it is :

root@server [/home/cpeasyapache/src/php-5.2.9/ext/mssql]# phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20041225
Zend Module Api No: 20060613
Zend Extension Api No: 220060519
root@server [/home/cpeasyapache/src/php-5.2.9/ext/mssql]#

That's it try :)


  1. we have install apc :
    we have following step:
    yum install php-pear php-devel httpd-devel

    facing following error:

    httpd-devel-2.2.3-43.el5.centos.3.i386 from updates has depsolving problems
    --> Missing Dependency: httpd = 2.2.3-43.el5.centos.3 is needed by package httpd-devel-2.2.3-43.el5.centos.3.i386 (updates)
    Error: Missing Dependency: httpd = 2.2.3-43.el5.centos.3 is needed by package httpd-devel-2.2.3-43.el5.centos.3.i386 (updates)
    You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
    package-cleanup --dupes
    rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
    The program package-cleanup is found in the yum-utils package

  2. Thanks for this post. It helped me resolve the same issue on my system.

  3. Hi ensys,

    Use the following command to resolve the dependencies error.

    # yum install yum-utils
    # package-cleanup --dupes
    # package-cleanup --cleandupes

    Then execute :

    # yum clean all
    #yum -y install php-pear php-devel httpd-devel

    Let me know the result.

  4. Simply great, it works for me :)

  5. Hi,

    I tried all the above commands still it says

    "Cannot find config.m4.
    Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module"

    Please suggest.

    Thank You

  6. hi
    i am getting the following error on installing the SCA_SDO

    downloading SCA_SDO-1.2.4.tgz ...
    Starting to download SCA_SDO-1.2.4.tgz (576,531 bytes)
    ....................................................................................................................done: 576,531 bytes
    194 source files, building
    running: phpize
    Cannot find config.m4.
    Make sure that you run '/usr/local/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module

    ERROR: `phpize' failed


    can anyone help me to solve the issue please, thankyou
