I have referred following URL to install the confluence wiki on linux(64 bit).
Regarding the DB setting you can refer the following URL :
NB: You need to create one db user and db password. Just give grant privileges to the "confluence" db or customized DB that you had manually created.
Here are the error messages that I had received during configuring the DB at the browser.
* Configuring the database failed. Couldn't create the database schema.
* com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException:
Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times.
Giving up
Sol : 1. The error is basically happened for mismatching of DB engine.
2. checked the DB engine at the backend like mysql# show variable like "%engine%";
3. Now you'll see the URL to connect the DB via jdbc driver like :
4. For my case DB engine was MyIsAm at mysql.
5. I setup the following URL :
6. Then I proceeded further and I had successfully installed the software.
Try :)
This post helped me stting up Confluence on Mandriva 2010.2 using MySQL databas on localhost. Change of DB engine was critical and also setting the HOME path.
ReplyDeleteThe real pain was to get JAVA SDK installed and JAVA_HOME path registered. Not even sure if I understand how I actually got right...Will it still work tomorrow? :-)
Please setup JAVA_HOME path in the profile. It'll still work once you restart the machine.
ReplyDeleteYou can refer the following URL to setup the java home path :